CG数据库 >> Delcam Crispin OrthoMODEL & OrthoMILL 2013 Pro

Delcam Crispin OrthoMODEL & OrthoMILL 2013 Pro的图片1


OrthoModel可为糖尿病患者设计解剖式软鞋垫,或者用于矫正步态的聚丙烯装置。OrthoModel 支持任何类型的矫正,包括支撑柱、薄片、足弓填充物、met-domes, cobra cut outs, Morton’s extensions 等等。OrthoModel 矫形鞋垫系统可适用于各种人的脚型,适合于矫形技术中心、矫形研究机构、矫形医疗机构、矫形教育机构、运动医学机构、专业鞋类企业等使用。OrthoModel 支持包括iQube 3D 扫描仪在内的任何数据脚形扫描仪。

OrthoModel 易学易用,任何人都只需几个小时的培训就可设计出最复杂的用户定制矫形鞋垫。使用OrthoModel可十分显著地减少矫形鞋垫的设计时间,使您能更快、更精确、成本更低地制造出适合客户脚形的鞋垫。OrthoModel 矫形鞋垫设计系统使您的脚更健康更舒适,让足病患者的生活变得无虑,变得更美好。

Delcam CRISPIN OrthoModel 有以下特点:

Delcam Crispin OrthoMODEL & OrthoMILL 2013 Pro的图片2

● 人性化的操作界面,易学易用;

● 柔性化,可满足所有的矫形鞋垫需求;

● 即可接受STL数据,也可接受测量数据;

● 快速建立客制化的3D鞋垫模型,缩短从设计到制造之间的过程;

● 降低成本和时间。


1) 矫形鞋垫的特点:










1. 矫形鞋垫通过对足弓的支撑作用,来矫形和改善行走的步态和姿势。譬如:通过矫形鞋垫

可以矫形内翻足、外翻足、内 ‘八’子、外‘八’子等不良的走路姿势;

2. 矫形鞋垫可通过重新分布足底压力,以保守治疗足底的一些疾病。如足底脚垫、


3. 矫形鞋垫可以通过改善下肢力线,预防老年性骨关节退性行病变。

4. 矫形鞋垫通过脚接触地面时的角度,以及负重点的改变,使您在站立、行走、跑跳时感


OrthoMill自动化和直观的用户界面,利用了我们颇受好评且在航空领域已经进行广泛应用的PowerMILL CAM 的“引擎”。




Delcam Crispin OrthoMODEL & OrthoMILL 2013 Pro | 1.3 Gb

Delcam provides a full custom orthotic insole solution from scanning your patient’s foot through to manufacturing a perfect orthotic. However, since it is an open system, you can build a solution which meets your exact needs.

- Delcam Crispin OrthoMODEL

OrthoMODEL offers you “real-time design” of both accommodative and corrective orthotic insoles, with a user interface that you can customise.

OrthoMODEL accepts import scan data from our iQube 3D scanners and also by importing data from your existing system meaning busy practitioners can now design in a matter of minutes , not hours.

- Delcam Crispin OrthoMILL

OrthoMILL allows you to choose the products and materials that best suit your business. Our solution offers you automatic machining whether you are milling on a single desktop machine or in different materials on multiple machines.

The result is a solution which will dramatically reduce the cost and lead time of your custom orthotic insoles manufacturing process, while improving your product quality and clinical outcomes.

Delcam Crispin OrthoMODEL & OrthoMILL 2013 Pro的图片3

About Delcam plc

Delcam is a world-leading developer and supplier of advanced CADCAM software, with more than 35,000 customers in over 80 countries. These clients vary from global names like Nike, Boeing and Mattel to small start-ups and individual craftsmen. Founded 30 years ago, we are the largest developer of product development software in the UK, with subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia. Our global success has been recognised with many awards, including three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in the last six years.

Name: Delcam Crispin OrthoMODEL & OrthoMILL

Version: 2013 Build 3.0.4892.16727 Professional

Interface: multilanguage

OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1

Size: 1.3 Gb