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Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 Extension1 X64的图片1

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2016 Extension1 (x64) | 3.4 GB

Create architectural design more accurate and higher quality with tools developed specifically for workflow BIM (Building Information Modeling). Revit® favors the ideas of architects and designers to enable the realization of architectural projects of superior quality, with greater accuracy. Observed features for how to use the tools of architectural design developed to support workflow Building Information Modeling (BIM). You can capture and analyze design ideas and represent them faithfully throughout the design process (design, documentation and construction).

Parametric components

It uses the intelligent building components to improve the accuracy of the project.

Bidirectional associativity

Any change to the design is automatically propagated throughout the model.

Check out the features for the structural design

All the features of Revit in a portfolio of integrated applications for architectural design.

Job sharing

Multiple users can work simultaneously on the same model of intelligent building.

Modeling for architecture

It improves the feasibility analysis of building components.

Software for BIM

Autodesk® Revit® provides support tools to architectural, engineering MEP, structural design and construction. Purpose-built for building information modeling (BIM), Autodesk Revit allows you to design, build and operate buildings of superior quality and with greater energy efficiency. With its comprehensive features is the ideal solution for the whole team of the construction project.

Energy analysis of building components

The Revit models let you perform detailed energy analysis.

Improved structural analytical model

The improvements to the analytical model allows you to quickly understand the connectivity of analytical elements.

Calculations for air ducts and pipes in the API

The calculations for the air ducts and pipes have been moved in the API, allowing the use of local calculations with Revit.