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Adobe Photoshop Elements 14.1 Multilingual MacOSX的图片1

Photoshop Elements 是 Adobe 公司继承 Photoshop 之后全新推出的图像编辑、照片修饰和 Web 图形解决方案。Photoshop Elements 界面友好,易于使用,功能强大。软件专为业余摄影师、摄影爱好者和商务用户设计,无需掌握太多的专业知识,就可以轻松地对照片进行修饰加工,或编辑成精美的图片通过电子邮件发送给自己的亲朋好友,还能够发布到网上,供更多的朋友欣赏。

Adobe Photoshop Elements 主要针对正在兴起的图像爱好者市场,几乎包括了润饰和修饰数字图像的一切所需工具。除去了 Photoshop 用于印刷出版的晦涩工具(CMYK模式),复杂的图像调整和路径操作,以大量的图像润饰工具和滤镜、一些网络工具(例如基本的GIF动画和文件优化)、一系列实用的选择工具(例如Background Eraser背景橡皮擦)、极佳的 Layer Styles (层类型)功能以及历史面板代之——所有这些使得该软件功能变得如此强大。Adobe Photoshop Elements 具有简单而快捷的操作方式,直观的效果预览,图像智能处理的集成,都让用户能将更多的注意力集中在美术创意上,而不是繁琐的操作过程中。即使是初级用户也可以用它快速创建出极富个性特色的专业图像。

用 Adobe Photoshop Elements 来描述 Adobe 公司的中级图像编辑软件包,比原先的“Photoshop LE”(Photoshop 限制版)要更加准确,同时 Photoshop Elements 拥有针对新手设计的使用界面,界面更友好。

Adobe Photoshop Elements 14.x Multilingual | MacOSX | 1.44 GB

Capture the moment now. Perfect the photo later. Smartphone selfies. Tablet landscapes. Posed portraits and quick candids. You take more photos than ever before. Keep focusing on the memories — Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 will make them look great.


Go from so-so snapshot to forever-favorite photo. Make quick edits, add artistic touches like a pro or transform your photos to wow friends and family. Photoshop Elements can step you through or do it for you.


All your memories at your fingertips. Order, label, find and view your photos your way.


Show your creative side. Make scrapbook pages, cards and calendars to share lasting memories.


Share memories with the people who matter most the way that works for you — Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter and more.

System Requirements

64-bit multicore Intel processor

Mac OS X v10.9 or v10.10

2GB of RAM

5GB of available hard-disk space (additional free space required during installation)

1024x768 display resolution (at 100% scale factor)

QuickTime 7 software

Adobe Photoshop Elements 14.1 Multilingual MacOSX的图片2

Adobe Photoshop Elements 14.1 Multilingual MacOSX的图片3

Language: Multilingual