CG数据库 >> Dixxl Tuxxs – Introduction to Unreal Engine 4

Dixxl Tuxxs – Introduction to Unreal Engine 4的图片1

Software used

Unreal Engine 4.0

What you will learn

In this tutorial we will learn the basics of working in the Unreal Editor.

We'll start our journey by learning the basics through exploring the interface, learning how to navigate and manipulate the viewports, how to place and manipulate actors and how to effectively use BSP geometry.

Once we've gotten the hang of the basics, we'll dive into blocking out our interior room. Here we'll learn how the blocking phase is a critical part of creating levels in Unreal. After that, we'll replace that geometry with static mesh assets that will be used for the final look of our level.

From here it just gets better because we'll learn the basics of material creation, which is one of the engine's most powerful features. Here we'll learn how to begin building up a material from scratch and use it to drive our instanced materials. Then we'll start to create the final look of our level by creating a landscape, complete with foliage, light, and particles.

Finally, we'll just scratch the surface of Blueprint, Unreal Engine 4's new visual scripting interface, by creating a simple toggleable light.

Dixxl Tuxxs – Introduction to Unreal Engine 4的图片2


虚幻引擎 4.0



我们将我们段旅程的开始学习的基础知识,通过探索界面,学习如何导航和操作视区,如何放置和操纵行为者以及如何有效地使用 BSP 几何。


从这里它只是获取更好因为我们将学习基本的材料创作,是发动机的最强大功能之一。在这里我们将学习如何开始建立从零开始的材料和使用它来驱动我们的实例的材料。然后我们会开始通过创建景观,完成与树叶、 光和粒子创建我们的水平是最终的样子。

最后,我们将只是表面划伤的蓝图,虚幻引擎 4 新视觉的脚本接口,通过创建一个简单的触发光。