CG数据库 >> Allegorithmic Substance Database 2.1

Allegorithmic Substance Database 2.1的图片1

Allegorithmic Substance Database 2.1

Title: Allegorithmic Substance Database 2.1


A collection of 1,000+ substances including 650 PBR materials. Substance materials have unique advantages

Plug & play: The Substance format is natively supported in applications such as Unreal Engine, Unity, Maya, 3DS Max, Modo and Fuse.

Highly customizable: Create infinite variations using simple sliders to customize your materials in-app.

Lightweight: The Database contains 550 procedural textures, which only weigh a few kilobytes (instead of megabytes).

Allegorithmic 物质数据库 2.1

标题 ︰ Allegorithmic 物质数据库 2.1

信息 ︰

1000 多种物质包括 650 PBR 材料集合。物质材料具有独特的优势

插头及发挥 ︰ 物质格式是以本机方式支持在应用程序中如虚幻引擎,团结,玛雅,3DS Max,Modo 和保险丝。

高度可定制 ︰ 创造无限的变化,使用简单的滑块以自定义您材料的应用程序。

重量轻 ︰ 该数据库包含 550 的程序纹理,只有权衡几个字节 (而不是兆字节为单位)。