CG数据库 >> Creative Guitar 2: Advanced Techniques

Creative Guitar 2: Advanced Techniques的图片1English | Jan 1, 2006 | ISBN: 1860744672 | 132 Pages | PDF&MP3 128 kbps | 93 MB

Tired of the old ways of playing? Want to break out of a guitar rut? Learn to play rock guitar like a horn section, or a synthesizer or even like a drummer. Aimed at providing advice and direction for the frustrated guitarist, Guthrie Govan focuses on how you can expand your potential by refining your playing techniques, allowing you to tackle more complex riffs and solos.

Using some of the most influential rock players of our time this book explains how to develop a more accomplished style, providing advice on borrowing licks from other instruments and using exotic scales, with each example played on the accompanying instructional CD.

The second book, however, is truly scary! Amongst other things covered here are 8-finger tapping, and techniques to emulate other instruments on the guitar. Any advanced guitarist who is starved of inspiration will find plenty of great ideas right here.