CG数据库 >> 土木工程设计软件

土木工程设计软件的图片1Autodesk® AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 软件是土木工程设计和文档编制解决方案,支持建筑信息建模工作流。通过使用 AutoCAD Civil 3D,基础设施专业人员可以更好地了解项目性能,保持更一致的数据和流程,并对更改做出更快的响应。

AutoCAD Civil 3D能够帮助从事交通运输、土地开发和水利项目的土木工程专业人员保持协调一致,更轻松、更高效地探索设计方案,分析项目性能,并提供相互一致、更高质量的文档——一切均在熟悉的AutoCAD®环境中进行。

Autodesk Civil 3D就是根据专业需要进行了专门定制的AutoCAD,是业界认可的土木工程软件包,可以加快设计理念的实现过程。它的三维动态工程模型有助于快速完成道路工程、场地、雨水/污水排放系统以及场地规划设计。所有曲面、横断面、纵断面、标注等均以动态方式链接,可更快、更轻松地评估多种设计方案、做出更明智的决策并生成最新的图纸。

测量命令已完全集成到 Civil 3D 工具集和用户界面中。用户可以在完全一致的环境中进行各种工作,包括从导入外业手簿、最小二乘法平差和编辑测量观测值,到管理点编组、创建地形模型以及设计地块和路线。

Autodesk Civil 3D 增加了对 Civil 3D 模型中核心元素的多用户项目支持,从而提高了项目团队的效率,并降低了在项目周期内进行修改时出现协调性错误的风险。Civil 3D 中的项目支持利用了 Autodesk Vault 的核心数据管理功能,从而确保整个项目团队可以访问完成工作所需的数据。

Civil 3D 提供了独一无二的样式机制,使各企业组织可以自行定义 CAD 和设计标准,这些标准可以方便地在整个企业组织中使用。从等高线的颜色、线型和间距,到横断面或纵断面标注栏中显示的标签,各种标准均可以在样式中进行定义,然后,该样式将用于整个设计和生成图纸的过程。

土木工程设计软件的图片2Autodesk ® AutoCAD ® Civil 3D ® - is a CAD software for infrastructure and documentation, workflows, which are based on information modeling (BIM). AutoCAD Civil 3D helps professionals to better understand the performance of projects, maintain data and processes, and respond more quickly to changes.

Extras. Information: Features

BIM tools for the design of infrastructure

Tools Autodesk ® AutoCAD ® Civil 3D ®, based on information modeling (BIM), helps to reduce the time doing design work, perform calculations and implementation of changes. This new version allows you to evaluate more options and optimize their designs in terms of operating parameters. The workflow has become more perfect by automating time-consuming tasks.

System requirements: Windows ® 8 Professional edition or Windows 7 ® (recommended) Enterprise, Ultimate, or Professional edition operating system

AMD Athlon ™ 64 processor with SSE2 technology, AMD Opteron ™ processor with SSE2 technology, Intel ® Xeon processor with Intel EM64T support and SSE2, or Intel ® Pentium ® 4 processor with Intel EM64T support and SSE2 technology

4 GB RAM minimum (8 GB recommended)

12 GB disk space for installation (7 GB for electronic download with at least 2 GB free after installation)

1,280 x 1,024 true color video display adapter (1,600 x 1,200 with true color recommended; multiple monitors are supported)

Microsoft ® Internet Explorer ® 7 or later

Additional 3D modeling requirements

Pentium 4 or Athlon processor, 3.0 GHz or greater, or Intel or AMD dual-core processor, 2.0 GHz or greater

8 GB RAM or more

2 GB free hard disk available, not including installation requirements

1,280 x 1,024 true color video display adapter 128 MB or greater, Pixel Shader 3.0 or greater, Direct3D ® capable workstation class graphics card (1,600 x 1,200 display with true color recommended; multiple monitors are supported)

Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D 2014 ISZ (English | 64bit) | 5.09 GB