CG数据库 >> Master Photo Workshops – New England Color Field Techniques for Great Pictures

Master Photo Workshops – New England Color Field Techniques for Great Pictures的图片1

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Learn photography with master photographer Jim Zuckerman as he photographs New England in autumn. This area offers a variety of historic locations from the lighthouses of Maine to classic churches and cemeteries in Massachusetts.

The fall foliage provides surprising splashes of color around every country road. In this photography video Jim shoots in a variety of lighting conditions, from sunrise to sunset, and is faced with the challenges every outdoor photographer encounters. With over 40 years experience as a professional photographer, Jim Zuckerman shares a wealth of photo tips, tricks, and experience from the field.

Jim then takes his work back into the studio to show some of his favorite photoshop techniques. The lessons include correcting perspective, creating reflections, and compositing a moon. In an extensive portfolio review, Jim also discusses some of his most challenging photographs, describing the technical and logistical obstacles he overcame to capture some of his favorite and most enduring pictures.