CG数据库 >> Skillshare – Photoshop Skills – Isolate An Object And Keep It In Color

Skillshare – Photoshop Skills – Isolate An Object And Keep It In Color的图片1

密码: t6d1

Instructor: Vladimir Raykov

Thank you for visiting this course. First of all, I'd like to tell you that this course is for absolute beginners - please, take this fact into consideration. If you are already advanced in Photoshop and image editing, you most likely won't benefit a lot from this course.

However, for people who are starting out this is a great skill to learn. You may ask what the skill is. Well, just as it says in the title - Isolating an object and keeping it in color.

You can apply this to any kinds of images, but most specifically food, flowers, fruits, vegetables and so on. Just any kind of object in a picture that you would like to put emphasis on.