CG数据库 >> Topaz Clean 3.1.0 DC 04.12.2014

Topaz Clean 3.1.0 DC 04.12.2014的图片1

opaz Clean是一个主要用于去除图像躁点的滤镜,它使用独特的算法能够有效地去除大面积,不同种类静态图片躁点保留图像细节和构架。 多数情况下你可以使用Topaz Clean(YUV)降噪,当对有严重躁点的图像效果不佳,你可以试试Topaz DeNoise滤镜以一的更平滑的效果。

Topaz Clean 3.1.0 | 21.1 MB

Topaz Clean is a powerful detail smoothing and edge stylization plug-in that simplifies advanced techniques typically used for creating smooth, flawless skin and curly, vectorized effects - allowing you to quickly and easily reduce or remove the depth of detail within images, while maintaining important structural detail and enhancing edges.

You can achieve a variety of smoothing, detail flattening and edge enhancement techniques with the Topaz Clean plug-in. With just a few clicks, you can selectively control the appearance and intensity of detail in your photographs - or eliminate them all together.

Topaz Clean 3.1.0 DC 04.12.2014的图片2

Clean 3 Highlights

- Eliminates undesired details and effects

- Easy smoothing and texture adjustments

- Maintains important structure detail

- Great use for easy skin cleanup.

- Unique Cartoon creations

OS : Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 (32-bit and 64-bit)

Language : English

Topaz Clean 3.1.0 DC 04.12.2014