CG数据库 >> Ocean Lost Dreamscape Complementary Elec Percussion Pack MULTiFORMAT

Ocean Lost Dreamscape  Complementary Elec Percussion Pack MULTiFORMAT的图片1

Ocean Lost Dreamscape  Complementary Elec Percussion Pack MULTiFORMAT | 2.42 Gb

A collection of ambient inspired textures and soundscapes, this pack has been inspired by the sonic landscapes of ambient, post-rock and experimental electronica. From warped synths and lush guitar atmospheres to industrial inspired beats, it is a creative toolkit created with atmospheric cinematic music in mind.

海洋失去梦境 + 互补电子打击多 |2.42 gb

环境启发的纹理和声音的集合, 这个包已经启发了周围的声波景观, 后和实验电子。从扭曲的合成和郁郁葱葱的吉他氛围到工业灵感节拍, 它是一个创造性的工具包创造与大气的电影音乐在脑海中。