CG数据库 >> Hiss and a Roar SD001 Vegetable Violence WAV

Hiss and a Roar SD001 Vegetable Violence WAV的图片1

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Hiss and a Roar SD001 Vegetable Violence WAV | 1.08GB

Vegetable Violence is an organic sound effects library for creating your own orchestrated sonic mayhem. Vegetable rips, tears, squelches, hits, punches, stabs all recorded & mastered at 96kHz for stomach churning realism, this component library of gore sound effects is available for immediate download.24bit 96kHz • 2500 sounds in 46 .WAV files

嘶嘶声和一声sd001蔬菜引起的| 1.08gb WAV

暴力是一个有机蔬菜的声音效果图书馆创建你自己的orchestrated音速的混乱。蔬菜rips,眼泪,压服,点击punches人员全记录,以及对胃mastered 96kHz直翻腾的现实主义的成分,这是戈尔的声音效果图书馆是可用的,对直接download.24bit 96kHz•2500的声音在46 .wav档案

http:/ / / sd001 hissandaroar.com暴力/蔬菜。