CG数据库 >> Beat Generals – Noah Shebib Beat Tutorial

Beat Generals –  Noah Shebib Beat Tutorial的图片1

Beat Generals helps you unleash your inner super producer by teaching you all the techniques and tricks the pros use to create the hottest beats on the radio today.

This is a video of Beat Generals making a Noah Shebib type of beat. This is the only video that I made a type beat from using their site tutorials. With that being said, you should only use video tutorials like these to enhance your own style of music production. Keep It Original!

Year: 2013

Manufacturer: Beat Generals

Manufacturer Website:

Author: Beat Generals

Duration: 00:37:44

Distributed by type of material: Video Tutorial

Language: English


Beat Generals –  Noah Shebib Beat Tutorial的图片2

Beat Generals –  Noah Shebib Beat Tutorial的图片3

发布日期: 2014-02-13