CG数据库 >> Atlantis Quest MacOSX-RAiN

Atlantis Quest MacOSX-RAiN的图片1

你是否已经做好准备,开始刺激的冒险与发现之旅? 踏上旅程,前往古老的希腊、巴比伦、迦太基、埃及和罗马,探寻史上最惊人的未解之谜之一 – 失落之城亚特兰蒂斯。这款古典风格的匹配游戏融入了新奇的花样,你需要去探寻古老的文物,它们将指引你到达目的地。引人入胜的故事情节、新奇的玩法、76 道刺激的关卡、华丽的升级物品,以及数不胜数的附加特色,让你爱不释手!


This updated version of the classic matching game lures you on a journey to search for the legendary lost city of Atlantis! Travel the ancient lands of Greece, Babylon, Carthage, Egypt, and Rome to find artifacts that will help you locate the mysterious sunken kingdom. Addictive gameplay, extra features, and riveting storyline all blend together to keep you entranced through all 76 levels of this perfect puzzler.

Atlantis Quest MacOSX-RAiN的图片2


A dazzling new take on the classic style matching game

Great storyline

76 mind-blowing levels

Exciting power-ups

A daring quest across the ancient lands of the Mediterranean

Atlantis Quest MacOSX-RAiN的图片3

Release Name:



22.73 MB

发布日期: 2014-11-29