CG数据库 >> DXsoft AAlog

DXsoft AAlog的图片1

DXsoft AAlog | 13 Mb

A comprehensive logger program designed for amateur radio station operators. It has convenient interface, a good set of tools, and is fast and very easy to use. It looks like your good old paper logbook and the has benefits of a computer logger. It can be integrated with the CW terminal program CwType, morse decoder CwGet and RTTY/PSK31 software TrueTTY.

Main features of AALog


- Keeping multiple logs for single callsign as one huge log. For example I have main “everyday” log and several logs for different contests.

- Keeping multiple logs that have different callsigns with the overview of every log. For example you have 3 different callsigns in your family or you are the QSL-manager of the several amateur stations.

Logging functions


- Entering QSO online as well as offline.

- Checking the database for repeated QSO (dups).

- Directing the antenna and calculating the distance to the DX.

- Editing the QSO database.

- Sorting the contacts made in the log by time, callsign, frequency and mode.

- Filtering the contacts by any field.

- Quering contacts by any field.

- Tracing QSO’s for DXCC, WAZ, P-75-P, WAS, WAJA, JCC, JCG, WAIP, Russia, RDA, DPF, DDFM, WAU, WPX and many other. User can add own awards into the list

- Built-in QSL-manager database.

- Locator grid support.

- Detailed prefix list.

- Compiling a file with contacts data from multiple logs.

- Printing the log.

- Printing any size QSL-label and envelope labels.

Export/import facilities


- Export to ADIF format.

- Export to text file.

- Import from ADIF format.

- Import from LoTW report.

- Import from Cabrillo format.

- Import from AATest.

Home Page


发布日期: 2015-01-05