CG数据库 >> MailTab Pro for Gmail 7.6 MacOSX

MailTab Pro for Gmail 7.6 MacOSX的图片1

MailTab Pro for Gmail 是一个令人难以置信的漂亮和华丽的应用程序直接从你的Mac的菜单栏快速访问您的Gmail帐户。


迅速采取高峰在点击一个按钮,在您的Gmail帐户,也可以通过自定义的热键(Ctrl + G)。




想要一个没有废话干净的切割鉴于您的Gmail帐户? 然后,移动的模式是最好的选择。 对于那些想要完整的Gmail体验,切换到桌面模式和享受。


我们的客户要求我们交付。 您可以启用一个弹出通知你每次收到新的电子邮件,信息发送者是谁,在邮件的主题是什么。




使用漂亮的不透明度控制滑块,以确定您的MailTab Pro的应用程序窗口的透明度。 隐身模式,让你偷偷检查你的Gmail收件箱,聊天,菜单等,没有抓住别人的注意力。






为在拼写或不断错别字? 嗯,我们已经得到了你的背部与支持拼写检查 – 从来没有拼错了一个单词在一封电子邮件中或谷歌Talk的谈话!

全屏支持OS X 的用户:

心无杂念的完整的Gmail体验 – 你会喜欢它。


自定义的字体大小,使用右键菜单中的选项,例如文本到语音,让生活更轻松,像CMD + R刷新的标准热键。

MailTab Pro for Gmail 7.x | MacOSX | 5.9 MB

MailTab Pro for Gmail is an incredibly slick and gorgeous app for quickly accessing your Gmail account directly from your Mac's menu bar.

This is the Pro version of the best Mac app for Gmail with these amazing extra features: Unread mail count in menubar, Desktop mode with attachments, Google chat, Popup notifications, Stealth mode, Full screen support and much more!

MailTab Pro for Gmail is an incredibly slick and gorgeous app for quickly accessing your Gmail account directly from your Mac's menu bar. Join over half a million happy users who rely on MailTab Pro for all their Gmail needs!

Why is MailTab Pro the best Mac app for your Gmail needs? Good question, allow us to explain just how fully loaded this app is:

⁕ Instant access to Gmail via your Mac's menu bar:

Quickly take a peek at your Gmail account at the click of a button and also via its customisable hot key (ctrl + G).

⁕ Awesome menu bar notification with customizable audio alerts:

We've made it really simple to know when you've got an unread email via a vivid red menu bar icon.

⁕ Choose between desktop & mobile modes:

Want a no-nonsense clean cut view of your Gmail account? Then the mobile mode is your best bet. For those that want the full Gmail experience, just toggle over to the desktop mode and enjoy.

⁕ Popup notifications support:

Our customers asked for it and we delivered. You can enable a popup notification for every time you receive a new email with information on who the sender is and what the subject of the mail is.

⁕ Google Talk support:

Google Talk chat support with all the trimmings, just like it is in your web browser 🙂

⁕ Ninja stealth mode:

Use the nifty opacity control slider to determine the transparency of your MailTab Pro app window. Stealth mode lets you sneakily check on your Gmail inbox, chat, menus etc, without grabbing the attention of others.

⁕ Resizable window:

Just as it states, resize the tab/window to your liking!

⁕ Slick touch gestures support:

One of our most loved features, feel right at home with touch gestures support for back/forward and scrolling.

⁕ Fullscreen support for OS X Lion users:

The full Gmail experience with no distractions - you're going to love it.

⁕ Accessibility options:

Customise the font size, use the right click menu options such as text to speech and make life easier with standard hotkeys like cmd + R to refresh. Ah, it's the small things that make us happy 🙂

⁕ Regular free updates:

MailTab Pro will be very actively maintained and updated on a regular basis! Please spread the word and keep sending us your feedback!

Get MailTab Pro whilst it is on sale! We're sure you'll love the app and join our rapidly growing MailTab fan page of nearly 4,000 people:

Helpful Hint:

Open the Preferences menu to configure settings such as Notifications, Appearance and more.

Legal Note:

- MailTab is a 3rd party application for Gmail and is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Google Inc.

- Gmail and the Google Logo are trademarks of Google Inc.


OS X 10.7 or later, 64-bit processor

发布日期: 2015-12-09