CG数据库 >> Ultimate custom widget (UCCW) v2.9.9.1 Android

Ultimate custom widget (UCCW) v2.9.9.1 Android的图片1

定制时钟(Ultimate custom widget)是一款高度定制的时钟应用程序,它提供的功能已远远超出一个时钟插件的范围,您可以控制自定义窗口小部件显示的时间、日历、天气、未接电话、未读短信、电量、温度、静态文本以及所属元素的位置、大小、角度、透明度、颜色、字体、对齐方式和阴影等,能够根据个人爱好对时钟插件进行排版,设计出众多具有艺术感的时钟界面。而且允许用户自定义天气的图片和自己喜欢的图片,甚至自行设计的图片都可以用作时钟插件的背景,总之,只要您多动手和想出自己喜欢的样式,它就能够完成您个性的设计。



- 支持1x1/1x2/1x4/1x5/2x1/2x2/2x4/3x1/3x3/3x3等多种窗口小部件尺寸

- 支持自定义目标的位置、大小、角度、透明度和颜色

- 支持自定义喜欢的字体、对齐方式、文本内容、文字前缀和后缀

- 支持打开/管理皮肤、保存皮肤、导入/导出皮肤、以摄氏度或华氏度来显示温度

- 支持自动定位或手动定位地理位置来显示天气、关闭屏幕时不更新窗口小部件

- 支持将周日或周一设为周起始日、自定义天气图片以显示个性化的天气图标

- 支持完整/小写、完整/大写、简短/小写、简短/大写显示日期

- 支持镂空、实体、镂空渐变、实体渐变的电池圆圈风格

Ultimate custom widget (UCCW) v2.9.9.1

Android | .apk | 3mb

Ultimate custom widget (UCCW) v2.9.9.1 Android的图片2

Make your own widgets easily in a WYSIWYG (What-you-see-is-what-you-get) editor. Use custom layout, fonts, images, shapes, interesting objects like series clocks, weather information with icons, unread sms and gmail counts, battery information with bars and pie graphs, analog clocks, TASKER VARIABLES and more.

Does not require programming, editing xml files or rooting your phone. Share your creations easily either through uzip files or make apks and post on Google play.

Or keep your unique widgets to yourself and tease others.

The reviews say it all

"It is a clock widget that allows probably thousands of combinations you can start with, and from there, the ability to tweak and change every setting of every element to your heart’s content" - Android Tapp

"This is the type of app that designers tend to flock to, as it gives them an outlet to share their styles and influences through tons of Android devices. " - Droid-life

"UCCW is an app that will allow you to create a custom clock in minutes, thus satisfying your OCD’s every whim regarding aesthetics" - xda-developers

UCCW features in detail:

1) The following objects are available in widgets:

- time and date elements

- Week bar

- Analog clock

- Static texts

- Battery level, battery status, battery bar (solid and barcode) and battery circle

- Weather elements like current temperature, condition, humidity, wind speed, icon, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, forecasts etc.

- Shapes

- Images

- Unread counts for Gmail, sms and missed calls

- Next alarm time

- Series clocks and series time and date elements


2) Each objects has various options like size, color, alpha (transparency), rotation (angle) etc. to satisfy your most needs. Examples are using images for widget background, hour and minute objects;

using custom texts for time and date objects and weather conditions etc.

3) You don't need experience in coding, or knowledge of xml files. Root not required.

4) Use custom fonts easily. Put your fonts in 'sdcard/fonts' and set them in the app.

5) Assign custom images, made in photoshop, gimp or paint, from gallery or file explorers.

6) Make your own analog clocks.

7) Make your own weather widgets. Adorn them with weather icons. UCCW supports different weather icons during night.

8) Import/ export, save skins for easy sharing. Post skins on Google play - see below.

9) Set hotspots on widgets. Hotspots are clickable areas on UCCW widget that perform action when touched. Actions are launching apps, opening alarm clock or update weather.

10) Use custom text option for time and date elements and weather condition. Useful for translation or having your own custom values to show in place of the default ones.

Requires Android:


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发布日期: 2013-08-19