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AutoCAD 2014绘图基础

,作者杰夫·巴特尔斯集中在AutoCAD中创建基本几何,包括英制或公制计量单位的详情,使用对象捕捉到控制精度,绘制和转化的基本线条和形状。 在使用过程中的最后一章测试您的新发现的技能,在很短的项目,在这里您将创建一个小的机械部分。

AutoCAD 2014 Essentials: 02 Drawing Fundamentals

In this installment of AutoCAD 2014 Essentials, author Jeff Bartels

concentrates on the particulars of creating basic geometry in AutoCAD,

including assigning imperial or metric units of measurement, using object

snaps to control accuracy, and drawing and transforming basic lines and

shapes. The last chapter in the course tests your newfound skills in a

short project where you'll create a small mechanical part. AutoCAD 2014 Essentials 02 Drawing Fundamentals-QUASAR | AutoCAD 2014绘图基础的图片2

Topics include:

Constructing lines

Defining a unit of measure

Locking to geometry with object snaps

Drawing rectangles, circles, and polygons

Applying hatch patterns

Moving, copying, and rotating objects

Erasing elements

Undoing and redoing actions AutoCAD 2014 Essentials 02 Drawing Fundamentals-QUASAR | AutoCAD 2014绘图基础的图片3

发布日期: 2013-09-10