CG数据库 >> CB Radio Box 1.7 MacOsX

CB Radio Box 1.7 MacOsX的图片1

CB Radio Box 是一款仿真无线电程序,让我们有上世纪80年代和90年代的想法,你可以通过这个无线电与陌生人聊天。

CB Radio Box 1.x | Mac Os X | 6 MB

This is a great CB Radio emulation that use internet to communicate. This app won't just be chat, but we want to re-create the emotions felt back in the 80s and 90s with the idea that you can talk to strangers and no one knowing who you really are!


- 20 Base Channel

- 70 Private Channels

- 10 Language Rooms

- 3 Base Style Colors + Additional Themes (free from 1.6)

- Gain at max volume

- On/Off switch

- Replay last message

- Country flags

- Nicknames


OS X 10.6 or later

App Store:

CB Radio Box 1.6 MacOsX

发布日期: 2014-01-16