CG数据库 >> CAMWorks 2017 SP1 for Solid Edge ST8-ST9 x64 Multilingual

CAMWorks 2017 SP1 for Solid Edge ST8-ST9 x64 Multilingual的图片1

CAMWorks 2017 for Solid Edge最新发布!

CAMWorks for Solid Edge 是一款完全集成在 Solid Edge 中的嵌入式 CAM 程序。 它是市场上唯一一款基于特征的 CAM 产品,采用同步建模技术,可为用户提供前所未有的优势,例如:




自动重新生成刀具轨迹,快速对任何 CAD 模型“动态”应用制造设计变更,有助于缩短周转时间。


CAMWorks 2017 SP1 for Solid Edge ST8-ST9 (x64) Multilingual | 1.76 Gb

CAMWorks is an intuitive, feature-based CAM software that helps to increase productivity using best-in-class technologies and adaptable automation tools to maximize CNC machining efficiency.

The new ‘Machine to the Mean’ capabilities in CAMWorks eliminates long-standing issues surrounding differences between design practices required to tolerance parts based on fit, form and function vs. manufacturing’s need to machine geometry based on mean dimensions and tolerances.

CAMWorks offers true associative machining automatically accommodating changes to the part model, which eliminates time consuming CAM system rework due to design updates.

We understand that only programming fast is not enough. Our users need to have access to the most advanced high speed machining strategies.

CAMWorks ensures that the air cuts are reduced to a minimum. In addition, users have access to optimized, out-of-the box, strategies for Mold core and cavity programming reduces programming time.

CAMWorks® Volumill™ creates ultra-high performance toolpaths by using the latest advanced technology to rough mill multi-surface parts faster than any other software available today. Reduce machining time by as much as 85% and increase tool life by as much as 500% even in the hardest materials.


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发布日期: 2017-05-19