CG数据库 >> Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning的图片1

Learn and build projects with pure JavaScript (No frameworks or libraries)

What Will I Learn?

Modular learning sections & 10 real world projects with pure JavaScript

Master the DOM (document object model) WITHOUT jQuery

Asynchronous programming with Ajax, Fetch API, Promises & Async / Await

OOP including ES5 prototypes & ES2015 classes

Learn JavaScript Patterns

Regular expressions, error handling, localStorage & more


Basic HTML / CSS knowledge


This is a front to back JavaScript course for absolutely everybody. We start with the basic fundamentals and work our way to advanced programming WITHOUT relying on frameworks or libraries at all. You will learn a ton of pure JavaScript, whether you are a beginner or an established JS programmer. There is something for everyone...


Basics & Fundamentals: Data types, let & const variables, functions, conditionals, loops, object literals, arrays, etc

DOM Manipulation: Selectors, traversing the DOM, show/hide, creating & removing elements, event listeners

OOP: ES5 prototypes, inheritance, ES2015 classes & sub-classes, constructors

Async JS: Ajax & XHR, Fetch API, callbacks, promises, async / await

ES2015+: Arrow functions, template strings, generators, iterators, maps & sets, symbols & more

JavaScript Patterns: Module, Factory, State, Observer, Mediator, Singleton

Other: Local & session storage, regular expressions, try/catch error handling

10 Projects of all kinds

#### PROJECTS ####

Task List With Local Storage

Loan Calculator

Number Guess Game

OOP Book Listing App (ES5 Prototype & ES2015 Classes Version)

Chuck Norris Joke Generator

EasyHTTP - Custom HTTP Library (3 Versions - Callbacks / Promises / Async & Await)

Github Finder

WeatherJS App

Calorie Tracker (Module Pattern)

Microposts - Frontend CRUD for REST API (Webpack & Babel)

Who is the target audience?

People that want to learn modern JavaScript from beginner to advanced without libraries and frameworks

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning的图片2

Modern JavaScript From The Beginning的图片1
Modern JavaScript From The Beginning的图片2
Modern JavaScript From The Beginning的图片3

发布日期: 2018-03-22