CG数据库 >> ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler 2019 R1 Win


基于直接建模思想的ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler(ANSYS SCDM)易学易用,成效高且精确,令工程师的数字3D概念设计成为可能,有利于加强产品创新设计的便利性。

ANSYS SCDM直接建模软件能够用一种新的方式来生成CAD模型。



此项功能适用于第三方的已有CAD模型,就像CAD模型是在ANSYS SCDM中直接创建的。


例如,一个IGES文件导入至ANSYS SCDM中,移动模型时就好像是它已经完全参数化了。

这样的几何体创建和生成过程就是所谓的直接建模,ANSYS SCDM与ANSYS Workbench平台的结合实现了快速的设计更改和仿真结果的更新。

ANSYS SCDM使得前期设计优化更加快捷、简单。

ANSYS SCDM提供给CAE分析工程师一种全新的CAD几何模型的交互方式,可以对现有的模型进行动态化的参数化调整,使得对基于特征建模的CAD系统不熟悉的产品研发工程师可以快速建立或者修改3D几何模型,在产品的设计初期即可对产品性能进行仿真。

ANSYS SCDM基于直接建模思想的集成工作环境使工程与设计人员能够以最直观的方式进行工作,可以轻松地对模型进行操作以解决实际工程问题。


ANSYS SCDM作为ANSYS软件体系中几何建模工具的重要组成部分,适合于多种数据来源的CAD模型的快速修改、非参数化中性CAD模型的参数化,进而最大程度的支持设计优化,同时其本身提供了操作简洁直观的几何建模功能,适合于CAE仿真模型的快速建立。

ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler 2019 R1 WinInfo:ANSYS SpaceClaim enables anyone to create, edit, and repair geometry without worrying about underlying technology.

With SpaceClaim, working with 3D modeling software becomes fast, easy, flexible, and rewarding, no matter where in the workflow you need it.

ANSYS SpaceClaim allows you to:Work with any geometry no matter where it comes fromFocus on the task at hand instead of getting over your head with complicated technologyLearn the software in a matter of weeks instead of monthsRealize a return on investment that’s faster than expectedRevolutionizing Product Development WorkflowsWe are helping customers completely streamline their operations through:Refocusing on the task at hand instead of on the technologyWorking with any geometry, regardless of where it came from.

Strong integrations downstream with CAE and CAM tools for high productivityThe removal of geometry bottlenecks throughout the entire workflow, from early concept design to pre-processing for manufacturingHow SpaceClaim Can Work for YouCheck out the following pages to better understand how SpaceClaim can make your jobs faster and more rewarding:Concept ModelingSpecifically Simulation Driven Design and Bid Modeling/Early Concept DesignManufacturingSpecifically 3D Printing, CAM, Sheet Metal, and Mold ManufacturingCAE PrepSpecifically for CFD/Thermal and Structural analysisReverse EngineeringGoing from 2D to 3D

ANSYS SpaceClaim Direct Modeler 2019 R1 Win的图片1

发布日期: 2019-05-19