CG数据库 >> NBP Lumizone Plug-in for Photoshop 1.0.002 Win/MacOS

Languages: English | File Size: 36.78 MBFor years, luminosity masks in a retouching workflow have been utilized by countless retouchers and editors, and for good reason.

Many elaborate Photoshop Actions have been scripted and sold for the purposes of luminosity mask creation over the years, several involving "storing" dozens of masks in the Channels palette, to be called on as needed.

Some users opt to create a luminosity mask as needed, when needed, using any number of methods.

Regardless of your preferred approach, the creation of luminosity masks has traditionally been clunky at best, and tedious no matter what.

Creation and active control of luminosity masks- Generate luminosity mask for any layer or adjustment layer- Actively change each luminosity mask on-the-fly during your workflow- 3 options to generate luminosity masks from:- Create masks from the image's overall luminosity- Create masks from R, G, or B channels- Create masks from the image's overall saturation map- Select any combination of 11 luminosity ranges for any mask- Invert range selection instantly- Toggle layer or mask view on-the-fly while adjusting luminosity ranges- Adjust contrast of mask as needed- No additional layers are created to generate or modify masks- No need to store luminosity masks in Channels palette

NBP Lumizone Plug-in for Photoshop 1.0.002 Win/MacOS的图片1
NBP Lumizone Plug-in for Photoshop 1.0.002 Win/MacOS的图片2

发布日期: 2019-01-15