CG数据库 >> 三维人体动画渲染软件 Poser Pro 12.0.619 Mac破解版

三维人体动画渲染软件 Poser Pro 12.0.619 Mac破解版Smith Micro Poser人体三维动画制作软件,俗称“人物造型大师”。


Smith Micro Poser 适合於多数 2D 与 3D 二者领域的制作环境, 提供综合专业等级应用的特点和功能, 64 位元算图引擎,和网路算图支持。

Poser Pro 的基本要求 ─ 减少设计和制作时间以及使用成千上万的设置和贴图素材的 3D 模型。

Smith Micro Poser 带来具有影响力的3D角色设计,并且创造了角色细致与生动的无限可能。


Poser 12 is a 3D universe that allows users the ability to illustrate and animate.

Whether you’ve just begun your journey into graphics or you’re a seasoned professional, Poser is your gateway to an experience that is infinitely creative.

Design your 3D world with gigabytes of included content from Poser’s library.

Set the scene with real-world props and 3D elements.

Populate and animate scenes with ready-to-pose, fully textured animals and humans.

Start making 3D art and animation with ease.

安装步骤:安装Install Poser 12拷贝Poser到/应用程序/Poser 12/右键 显示包内容/Contents/MacOS,替换打开poser,在顶部菜单Help -> RegistrationFull Name随意输入Serial Number输入以下任意一个序列号XNB0MNJ-9041-29QF-SHS0-900N-KJN9XNB0CEC-6137-26XY-CWM0-800A-KPM6XNB0MBB-2458-11WC-RVW0-400G-TXL5Email任意输入邮箱然后最下面两个选项不要勾选,点击OK即可

发布日期: 2021-12-4