CG数据库 >> 灰猩猩GSG循环波形曲线动画C4D教程 Greyscalegorilla Plus Mesmerizing Mosplines

灰猩猩GSG循环波形曲线动画C4D教程 Greyscalegorilla Plus Mesmerizing Mosplines利用C4D的MoSplines、效果器等制作可以无限循环的曲面波形动画,灯光和渲染会用到阿诺德渲染器In this video, viewers will learn how to create an animation of looping forms in Cinema 4D using MoSplines, Effectors, and Sweeps.

We’ll start with the thought process behind using MoSplines to get a big performance boost under the hood, then use a Cloner along with Effectors to deform our splines and give them some springy bounce.

Using Fields, we’ll mask our Effector’s deformations.

Lastly, we’ll light and render using Arnold, but with techniques that could be applied to other render engines as well.

发布日期: 2021-6-12