CG数据库 >> Photo Mechanic 6.0 build 3954 MacOS

Photo Mechanic是一款专业的数码相片管理软件,程序可以帮助你快速的进行相片的浏览、旋转、预览、复制、删除、增加标签等操作。

支持多种浏览模式,支持批量重命名和批量对相片增加标题等功能,程序还独具先进的Image Variable技术,可以帮助你轻松的管理上千个图片文件!Photo Mechanic是一个独立的图像查看器,能快速便利地查看数码照片。

它能在“contact sheet”窗口显示数码存储卡或文件夹中的“缩略图”,你能快速进行旋转、预览、复制、删除、作标签、重命名和添加关键词等操作,而且可以进行批处理。

它可以帮你在预览方式中从近似的几张照片中找到最好的,还可以将选定的照片做成幻灯片,可以对显示的缩略图和预览进行ICC颜色管理,并能对几种Nikon和Canon的专业相机监测和插入Adobe RGB颜色File size: 55 MBВUse Photo Mechanic® 6 To View, Organize, Manage, And Export Digital Photos The minute you put down the camera, your post-processing workflow begins.

The most productive photographers in the world use Photo Mechanic’s powerful features to make managing photos faster and easier.

Quickly ingest photos from your memory cards and pick your winners without having to wait.

Use tools originally created for photographers under the world’s most extreme deadlines to add information such as captions, keywords, and copyright to your images as fast as possible.

Finally, deliver those images to the world with powerful export features.

Photo Mechanic speeds up your workflow, and you take all the credit.

Supported Operation Systems:macOS 10.10.5 or later

Photo Mechanic 6.0 build 3954 MacOS的图片1