CG数据库 >> JetBrains Rider 2019.3.1

JetBrains Rider是一款快速强大的 C#编辑器 ,用于在Windows、Mac和Linux上进行Unity开发。


Unity轻松开始Rider有内置的Unity支持,当你初次打开Unity解决方案时它会自动将Unity配置为使用Rider作为默认的C#脚本和shader 文件编辑器。


控制Unity编辑器由于集成的双向通信,无需离开Rider,您即可切换进出Play模式,暂停,和逐帧执行! 工具条包含游戏视图按钮Play、Pause和Step,分别对应Unity Editor中的相同按钮,并且与Unity Editor中的按钮控制相同的行为操作。

状态栏上的Unity小图标将显示Unity Editor是否已经连接,正在刷新或在Play模式。

在Rider处于Edit模式下的任何变更都将立刻提交Unity Editor。


当然,您还可以查看Unity专用测试的结果,就像普通的测试一样 – 您可以按结果筛选,并且点击跟踪堆栈,从而在代码中导航。

Unity控制台日志Unity Logs工具窗口有指向跟踪堆栈的链接,使您可以浏览相同的事件(错误、警告或消息),根据Unity编辑器控制台中记录日志的时间来隐藏事件。


Unity Logs在每次切换到Play模式后自动清空其输出。

代码提示Rider提供一流的C#代码分析, 包括Unity专用的代码检查和快速修复。



一切都已经配置完成, 您只需按下Debug(调试)工具栏按钮、菜单项或快捷键,将调试器附加到运行中的Unity编辑器。







File size: 478 MBJetBrains Rider is a new cross-platform .

NET IDE based on the IntelliJ platform and ReSharper.

New cross-platform .NET IDERider helps you develop .


NET, .

NET Core, Xamarin or Unity applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

It provides rich editing support and code insight for languages used in .

NET development, from C#, VB.

NET and F# to ASP.

NET Razor syntax, JavaScript, TypeScript, XAML, XML, HTML, CSS, SCSS, JSON, and SQL.

Languages and project typesRider lets you open, edit, build, run and debug most kinds of .

NET applications: desktop, web, libraries, services (with a notable exception of UWP applications).

Applications that target Mono, such as Unity and Xamarin, are also supported, as well as the latest and greatest .

NET Core applications.

Rider supports a lot of languages used in .

NET development, including C#, F#, VB.


NET (both ASPX and Razor view engines), XAML, XML, JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, HTML, CSS, SCSS, LESS, and SQL.

ReSharper + IntelliJ platformRider uses UI and multiple features of the IntelliJ platform, which powers IntelliJ IDEA, WebStorm, and other JetBrains IDEs.

It’s cross-platform, familiar to millions of developers, and provides core functionality such as VCS and database support.

On top of that, we add ReSharper features: navigation and search, refactoring, code inspections, quick-fixes, and so on.

We have spent 10+ years building a feature set that helps read, write and navigate large .

NET codebases, and all this is now available to Rider users.

Designed to be smart and fastRider isn’t jammed into a 32-bit process, which helps it gain deep insight into your code while still being responsive.

Rider opens (and reopens) most solutions with almost zero latency.

External changes to solution? Switching Git branches? Not a problem: Rider catches up quickly.

When you edit code, our topmost priority is to make sure that you type as fast as your fingers are trained to, not only as fast as the IDE can process your input.

Intelligent code editorRider provides tons of smart code editing features, such as different kinds of code completion, auto-importing namespaces, auto-inserting braces and highlighting matching delimiters, rearranging code, live and postfix templates, controller and action hyperlinks in ASP.

NET MVC, a multi-selection mode, gutter icons for inheritance navigation, as well as quick access to refactorings, generation, navigation and context actions.

Killer code analysisRider boasts 2200+ live code inspections to help you detect errors and code smells.

Over 1000 quick-fixes are available to resolve detected issues individually or in bulk: just hit Alt+Enter to pick one.

For a bird’s-eye view of errors in your projects, use solution-wide error analysis (SWEA): it will monitor errors in your code base and let you know if anything goes wrong, even you don’t have a problematic file open in the text editor.

Navigation and searchJump to any file, type, or member in your code base in no time, as well as find settings and actions, all with a common Search Everywhere shortcut.

You can find usages of any symbol, including cross-language usages and usages in string literals.

For contextual navigation, use a single Navigate To shortcut that will take you from a symbol to its base and derived symbols, extension methods or implementations.

DecompilerWant to know how third-party library code works? No problem with Rider: just use Go to Declaration on a library symbol, and have Rider decompile the library type to C# in a regular editor tab.

You can then navigate decompiled code as you normally navigate your source code, as well as find and highlight usages.

Sometimes however, decompiling is not even necessary: Rider can fetch source code from source servers such as Microsoft Reference Source Center.

System requirements:Operating system (64-bit distributions only):Microsoft Windows 10/8.1/7 (.NET Framework 4.6.1 is required)

JetBrains Rider 2019.3.1的图片1