CG数据库 >> Final Draft 11.1.1 Build 76

Final Draft是世界上最畅销的剧本编辑文本处理工具。

有了Final Draft,你就可以把全部的精力和创造力用在剧本创作上了,而不必理会版面等编辑问题。

Final Draft包含了专门针对于剧本方面的强大的文字处理功能。

这样一来,你就不需要再多花时间学习剧本的格式应该是什么规则,也不必担心剧本过于凌乱导致他人无法看明白了;Final Draft的价值就是自动为你转换格式成为世界通用的模式和标准。

Languages: English | Fie Size: 80.26 MBFor over twenty years now, Final Draft has shown itself to be the most vital tool available to the screenwriter.

Final Draft has eclipsed all of its competitors because it is the best.

It does everything you could possibly think of and then you can write and not think of it at all.

Advanced BrainstormingWith Final Draft 11, you can brainstorm, visualize, report, tag, collaborate and customize your writing environment like never before.

Refined Beat BoardLimitless space to organize your ideas in a customizable, visual way.

Plan set pieces, store character research, and much more.

– Beats can be anything – plot points, character arcs, research, location ideas– Beats can contain both stylized text and images– Drag content to and from your script and Beat Board, preserving formatting– Color code for easy reference with a vibrant color paletteWindows System Requirements:– Microsoft® Windows 7 and above– Minimum 512 MB of RAM– 60 MB available hard drive space– Internet connection required during installation

Final Draft 11.1.1 Build 76的图片1