CG数据库 >> Auto FTP Manager 7.09

一款功能强大的Ftp客户端软件,该软件允许用户连接任意远程FTP服务器,获取远程Ftp服务器文件信息,并对相关文件执行移动、更名、删除、上传、下载等操作,同时Auto FTP Manager具备文件加密上传、文件列队上传下载等操作.

File size: 21.3 MBAuto FTP Manager makes it easy to schedule and automate your FTP transfers.

Use Auto FTP Manager to connect to any FTP server and automatically upload and download files.

Plan and automate your workflow.

Move or synchronize files, between PC to FTP Server, PC to PC, and FTP Server to FTP Server, automatically according to a schedule.

The easy-to-use wizard creates Action Rules, which define what files and folders are to be transferred.

Automated Transfer Profiles can upload or download anything from a single file to entire folders, or synchronize two directories.

Advanced filters control which files are transferred based on their type, name, size, or modification date.

The built-in scheduler lets you transfer files on an hourly, weekly, or monthly basis, and works as a Windows service.

This guarantees the file transfer will be performed at the scheduled time.

You can also set up a schedule to monitor a folder and transfer files when any change is detected.

Auto FTP Manager is multi-threaded, allowing you to open connections to multiple FTP servers at the same time.

The program can transfer files in the background while you work on other tasks.

A powerful Quick Connect File Manager makes transferring files between your PC and an FTP server as simple as dragging from one location and dropping in another.

The File Manager works like the Windows Explorer, enabling you to easily create, delete, rename and copy files.

Auto FTP Manager is an all in one package for managing, scheduling, and automating file transfers.

You can download a free trial version and evaluate Auto FTP Manager.

Auto FTP Manager 7.09的图片1