CG数据库 >> DVDFab Player Ultra Multilingual

可能是全球最好的4K UHD媒体播放软体支援使用导航功能表播放4K UHD蓝光影片并支援HDR10欢迎使用全新一代DVDFab Player 6,作为通用的媒体中心,它不仅可以播放您本地硬碟上的所有多媒体档案,还能透过海报墙高效地管理您媒体库的所有内容。

同时,上一代Player 5的所有功能都得到了继承,包括可以分别满足小荧幕播放和大荧幕播放需求的“电脑模式”和“电视模式”,使用导航功能表播放DVD、蓝光影片及4K UHD蓝光影片,支援HDR10和高解析度音讯。

Multilingual | File size: 96 MBThe reinvented DVDFab Player 5 features all-new playback engine that significantly improves stability, compatibility and playback smoothness; completely redesigned user interface that brings in totally different PC and TV playback modes both with distinctive media entertainment experience; and ultimate playback capacity that supports navigation menus on DVDs, Blu-rays, and next-generation 4K Ultra HD Blu-rays, with genuine HDR10 and Hi-Res audio output, including Dolby Atmos, Dolby TrueHD, DTS-HD Master and DTS:X, etc……………

DVDFab Player Ultra Multilingual的图片1