CG数据库 >> Richardson RazorSQL 9.0.3

RazorSQL 是数据库查询工具、SQL的编辑、数据库管理工具,可以通过ODBC,JDBC连接数据库,已经证实可以使用的数据库种类,达到了29种.File size: 124 MBRazorSQL is a unversal database query tool, SQL editor, and database navigator.

It includes a relational database engine that requires no configuration.

Some of the main features contained in RazorSQL are visual tools for creating, editing, describing, altering, dropping, and viewing tables; tools for importing and exporting data; a database browser for the viewing of database objects and structures; and a robust programming editor with support for SQL, PL/SQL, TransactSQL, SQL PL, Java, XML and many other programming languages…….


Richardson RazorSQL 9.0.3的图片1