CG数据库 >> 《交互式数字城市创建软件》(Procedural CityEngine V2010.3 -XFORCE)

Procedural CityEngine V2010.3 (XFORCE) 交互式数字城市创建软件


CityEngine is a standalone software that provides professional users in entertainment, architecture, urban planning, GIS and general 3D content production with a unique conceptual design and modeling solution for the efficient creation of 3D cities and buildings.



《交互式数字城市创建软件》(Procedural CityEngine V2010.3 -XFORCE)的图片1
《交互式数字城市创建软件》(Procedural CityEngine V2010.3 -XFORCE)的图片2

发布日期: 2011-1-7