CG数据库 >> 《数字图形与影视特效教程系列之图形编辑》Digital-Tutors CG101 Image Editing

本视频教程是由Digital-Tutors机构出品的数字图形与影视特效教程系列之图形编辑,Digital-Tutors CG101 Image Editing,时长:35分,FLV高清视频格式,附工程源文件,作者:Multiple Authors,官方发布日期:2012年4月16日,语言:英语。CG数据库整理。


Digital-Tutors CG101 Image Editing

With this tutorial, we will take a software independent look at some of the vital terminology that is required to build a solid foundation for learning some basics of editing images. The purpose of these standalone lessons is not to learn how to use any specific software, but rather to focus on learning fundamental terminology. It is recommended that you are familiar with all of the terminology that is discussed throughout these lessons before starting to follow along with any image editing tutorials.

《数字图形与影视特效教程系列之图形编辑》Digital-Tutors CG101 Image Editing的图片1
《数字图形与影视特效教程系列之图形编辑》Digital-Tutors CG101 Image Editing的图片2
《数字图形与影视特效教程系列之图形编辑》Digital-Tutors CG101 Image Editing的图片3

发布日期: 2012-12-12