CG数据库 >> AE幻影粒子ParticleIllusion插件V1.0.6版

本插件是由genarts机构出品的AE幻影粒子ParticleIllusion插件V1.0.6版,GenArts ParticleIllusion v1.0.6 For OFX Win32 Win64,大小:52 MB,支持Adobe After Effects系列软件,支持Win32与64位系统,语言:英语。

著名的插件厂商GenArts(蓝宝石插件也在旗下)收购wondertouch推出幻影粒子 particleIllusion AE版本,目前支持After Effects 所有版本。


GenArts ParticleIllusion v1.0.6 For OFX Win32 Win64

The award-winning particleIllusion particle effects engine is one of the fastest and easiest ways to add high-quality effects to your visual compositions. Its speed, power, and ease-of-use make it a go-to tool in any visual industry. Meanwhile, the huge library of preset “emitters” allow artists at any experience level to create amazing visual effects with little effort.


发布日期: 2014-1-16