CG数据库 >> Lotsofpixels Fusionthing建模动画C4D插件V1.16版 Lotsofpixels Fusionthing v1.16...

本插件是由Lotsofpixels机构出品的Lotsofpixels Fusionthing建模动画C4D插件V1.16版,Lotsofpixels Fusionthing v1.16 for Cinema 4D R12-R16 Win Mac,大小:100 MB,支持C4D R12-R16版本软件,支持Win与Mac系统,语言:英语。

Lotsofpixels Fusionthing v1.16 for Cinema 4D R12-R16 Win Mac

A very powerful procedural modelling and animation system that lets you build with meshes rather than with vertices and polygons. Works in two modes – ‘Immediate mode’ for rapid workflow when you know exactly what you want, and ‘Object mode’ for when you want maximum flexibility, and for when you need advanced animation.

fusionThing is a major procedural modelling and animation plugin for Cinema4D 8.5 to 13.0

32 and 64 bit on both Windows and OSX

P.S:For Mac users tester Reported that it wont work in R16, sorry, use R15 instead.

Lotsofpixels Fusionthing建模动画C4D插件V1.16版 Lotsofpixels Fusionthing v1.16...的图片1

发布日期: 2014-9-24