CG数据库 >> MESHmachine网格建模Blender插件V0.6.9版

本插件是关于MESHmachine网格建模Blender插件V0.6.9版,大小:120 MB,支持Blender 2.79 & 2.80版软件,支持Win系统,语言:英语。

视频预览:uploads_1558182140368-change_design.gifMESHmachine is a blender mesh modeling addon with a focus on hard surface work without subdivision surfaces.Fuse and Unfuse Surfaces, create Variable Fillets and Washouts, edit and fix Bevel geometry, Unbevel and Unchamfer, clean up Boolean Intersections and create perimeter loops, keep earlier mesh states around as Stashes and use them for Normal Transfers, flatten and straighten normals, symmetrize and mirror custom normals, and detail surfaces flawlessly using Plugs – incl. your own custom made ones.《Blender基础入门训练视频教程 》 中文字幕版:


发布日期: 2019-6-14