CG数据库 >> RedGiant Trapcode红巨星视觉特效AE插件包V15.1.3版

本插件是关于RedGiant Trapcode红巨星视觉特效AE插件包V15.1.3版,大小:740 MB,支持After Effects 与Premiere Pro等软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。






Trapcode Form插件全面训练中文字幕教程:Trapcode Particular插件全面教程中文字幕教程:视频预览:TrapcodeSuite 15新的流体动态模拟引擎:Red Giant公司发布了Trapcode Suite 15,这是这款运动图形和视觉特效插件套装的最新版本。

该插件适用于After Effects,本次更新在Particular4和Form 4插件上增加了新的流体物理模拟引擎。

地形生成插件Mir 3中新增了表面渲染风格的预设,支持输入OBJ文件。

Particular4和Form 4插件:新的Dynamic Fluids动态流体引擎,可制作气态流体效果Trapcode Suite 15套件中主要增加的内容就是Dynamic Fluids动态流体物理引擎,大家可以在上方的宣传片中看到这个引擎制作的模拟效果,该作者是领先视频UI设计公司Territory Studio。







TrapcodeMir 3:Mir3:新的表面预设,支持输入OBJ文件地形生成器Mir也得到了更新,Mir 3版本中增加了一系列新的表面预设,包括线框和平滑渲染等显示风格,到铬合金、塑料和绸缎等材质都是新增加的预设。



Trapcode Suite 15可在After Effects CC 2014及以上版本中应用,支持Windows和Mac OS X系统。

Suite Trapcode , the name of the tool sets and engineering specialty in the field of particle simulation and modeling and three-dimensional effects in After Effects is a software environment. You can help tools available in this package to simulate particles, such as fire, water, smoke, snow, etc. to pay. The combination of different particles that can be done to help plug an amazing result and will bring real for you. Plug before you also makes you consider your results get faster and better than ever.Facilities and features depending Red Giant Trapcode Suite:-User tools for simple three-dimensional simulations in After Effects-Ability to simulate different particles such as fire, water, smoke, snow, etc. It is easy-Modeling fluid just amazing and has brought real-There are plenty of tools for simulation and modeling of complex geometric shapes-The use of color and perspective that will enhance simulation-Ability to apply sound and motion simulation components-and many moreNew in Trapcode Suite 15.0TRAPCODE PARTICULAR (NEW)-Updated Designer for building effects visually-Fluid dynamics-Text emitters-Mask emitters-175 new presets (Over 300, in total)TRAPCODE FORM (NEW)-Updated Designer for building effects visually-Fluid Dynamics-Text forms-Mask forms-150+ new PresetsTRAPCODE MIR (NEW)-Import OBJ models as Mir Surfaces-Included library of over 60 3D Models-16 Surface presets for fast material setupsSystem Requirements:Windows 10 (x64)Adobe Creative Cloud (2017 – 2019)Trapcode Form插件全面训练中文字幕教程:Trapcode Particular插件全面教程中文字幕教程:

RedGiant Trapcode红巨星视觉特效AE插件包V15.1.3版的图片1

发布日期: 2019-7-19