CG数据库 >> 概念艺术环境设计思路指南视频教程第二季

本教程是关于概念艺术环境设计思路指南视频教程第二季,时长:30分,大小:890 MB,格式:MP4,作者:Grady Frederick,共12个章节,语言:英语。

前天 08:48前天 08:48前天 08:48前天 08:48前天 08:48前天 08:48前天 08:48前天 08:48前天 08:48前天 08:48Part 2 of 3. More than just pretty landscapes, environment design is about the process of searching for what you want a region to feel like for your audience, and the story it tells. In this second part of a three-part series, Grady Frederick covers the process for creating design sheets exploring elements present in the scene, then applying those designs to advance 3 sketches from Part 1 of this series. Grady focuses on design thinking, sketching techniques, and the mindset for creating a cohesive environment that tells a story.更多数字绘画中文教程:《概念艺术基础知识训练视频教程》中文字幕版:《人体结构绘画训练大师班视频教程》 中文字幕版:《色彩应用基础视频教程》 中文字幕版:《动作游戏原画艺术绘画训练视频教程》 中文字幕版:《手绘板全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:《Painter数字绘画全面核心训练视频教程》中文字幕版:


发布日期: 2019-11-29