CG数据库 >> Davinci Resolve 16全面学习初学者指南达芬奇界面与控件视频教程


语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)

使用软件: DaVinci Resolve 16

项目文件: 无

文件大小: 809.18 MB


In this project, we will talk about the interface and controls of Davinci Resolve 16, Starting from the Media page and ending with the Deliver Page.

After this, you will understand how to import Media along with the way to apply effects and manipulate it according to a specific timeline.

This class is targeted, therefore, by the end of it, you will feel confident with the layout and interface of Davinci Resolve16.

Davinci Resolve 16全面学习初学者指南达芬奇界面与控件视频教程的图片1

发布日期: 2019-7-4